Nothing Says ‘Welcome Summer!’ Like Grilled Seafood
It’s the weekend many of us have waited all winter for—Memorial Day, the kickoff of grilling season in many parts of the country. Yet, for many, enthusiasm is dampened by that ho-hum prospect of the same old hot dogs and hamburgers. Some hosts are also left wondering what to feed their non-meat-eating guests or close friends with summer goals of eating healthier or losing weight.
On National Shrimp Day, Bubba Knows Best
May 10 is National Shrimp Day, a day for taste buds to pay homage to America’s favorite seafood. Americans eat more shrimp than any other seafood, consuming an estimated 1.27 billion pounds annually—or about 4.1 pounds per person. Only Japan consumes more, at a whopping 7.23 (3.28 kg) pounds per person.
Cinco de Mayo Calls for Mariscos
While many people believe Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day, it is not (that is celebrated on September 16 in Mexico). Rather, the holiday refers to May 5, 1862, when Mexican forces defeated French invaders at the Battle of Puebla. The victory was remarkable because the French army, which hadn’t seen defeat in 50 years, was far better equipped and outnumbered the Mexican military by at least two to one.
Easter Calls for Sp-egg-tacular Seafood
Easter is a time of great celebration – a time of rebirth and renewal for Christians around the world. For most, this includes celebrating the end of Lent with a healthy spread of delicious options whether for breakfast, brunch or dinner. Increasingly, a star of these spreads is seafood.
Enjoy the Luck of the Irish with Creative Takes on Seafood!
While corned beef and cabbage are often heralded as the main dish for St. Patrick’s Day, the truth is that fish and chips, or “chippies” as it is known in Ireland, is often the meal of choice in a host of other Irish heritage-celebrating countries, including the United States.
Let Fish Fridays Begin!
There are many reasons people believe the Catholic church (and other religions) instruct followers not to eat meat on Friday, which has been narrowed down to Fridays and Ash Wednesday during Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. Some believe it was a "deal" made by a powerful medieval pope to exclude fish from the meat abstinence mandate to help boost the fishing industry, although there is no proof of this conspiracy.
When Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday Meet
Whether you are a restaurant owner looking to add some delectable dishes to your Lenten menu, a head of household hoping to avoid Friday’s fast-food fish fillet lines, or just looking to show family, friends, or a significant other a little Valentine’s Day love, seafood gets to the heart of the matter. Below are a few reasons why.
8 Reasons Seafood Says Friendsgiving
In recent years, studies show that Friendsgiving is gaining traction with the 25 to 34 age group as the most popular alternative to Thanksgiving. Most Friendsgivings are potluck style, with nearly one-quarter of hosts asking guests to sign up to bring a dish. The trend is definitely towards non-traditional fare.
Harvest of the Sea Names Mike Cuozzo as Southeast Area Sales Manager
Mike Cuozzo joins Harvest of the Sea with more than 17 years of experience as a food service broker who has represented many manufacturers throughout the U.S. For the past two years, he has focused on the Northeast Florida market following 15 years in Upstate New York.
Harvest of the Sea Promotes Jim Wade to National Sales Director
Industry executive Jim Wade has been named National Sales Director for international food supplier Harvest of the Sea. Prior to his current promotion, Jim has served in sales and management positions with Harvest of the Sea focused primarily on the West and Midwest since 2017 and has been leading sales teams for over 30 years.
A Meal for all Seasons: Seafood Sets the Tone on the Grill or in the Kitchen
Most people consider Labor Day the end of summer and while that may be technically true, there are many grilling days still ahead and fantastic seafood dishes available throughout the year.
Five Steps to Meet Diners’ Demand for Seafood
People missed many things during the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown: getting together with friends and family, attending special events, playing team sports, and eating at restaurants—especially dining on seafood.
Seafood: It’s What’s for (School) Lunch!
It’s the time of year when most students are back—or headed back—to school. For parents and school cafeteria managers, it calls for school lunches, lots of school lunches. This means finding healthy foods that students of all ages will eat and can be fixed affordably, fast and with minimal waste.
Eric Wolff joins Harvest of the Sea sales team as the Regional Sales Developer for the East Coast
Eric Wolff is an experienced culinarian and food service sales professional with 25 years of experience in various roles. Driven by culinary innovation, he takes pride in providing the best culinary solutions possible.
Nothing Says Summer Like Grilled Seafood
Summer is in full swing, and the grill is sizzling hot. In fact, eight out of 10—79%—of Americans report enjoying outdoor BBQs with friends and family more than restaurant dining.
In May, Keep Seafood in Mind
May is Mental Health Month, and nothing does more to enhance mood, boost energy, and protect the brain overall than good nutrition. Yet when caring for your mind (and body), certain foods are better than others, and few can top with seafood.
Harvest of the Sea wins Partner Prestige Award -Trusted Vendor forSales Support, Growth and Outstanding Service Levels
Harvest of the Sea [HOS] received the Partner Prestige Award -Trusted Vendor at the Northern Haserot Spring Food Expo. The award was presented by Northern Haserot’s VP of Purchasing. Bill Maravaldi, to Scott West, HOS Director of Sales – East, and Randall Wilson, Eastern Regional Sales Manager.
Seafood: The Way to a Mother’s Heart
With Mother’s Day right around the corner, many sons and daughters wonder what to give their mother on her special day. It can be especially tough for those who have already done the traditional flowers, candy and jewelry. So, this year, give most mothers what they really want, a meal lovingly cooked by someone else—you—which makes seafood the perfect gift.
This Easter De-Stress with Seafood
According to a recent poll of 2,000 adults who celebrate the holiday, 78% find cooking the traditional family Easter dinner a stressful endeavor.
2023: Seafood Nabs the Spotlight for Easter Brunch
As those of you in food service know, Lent is one of the biggest seasons for seafood. The good news is that the love of seafood no longer ends on Good Friday. Increasingly, people are enjoying fish and other seafood options on Easter, especially for brunch. In fact, according to Seafood Source, an increasing number of food service outlets are going all out, offering special seafood promotions specifically for Easter.