Tracing the Ethical, Sustainable Journey of Shrimp from Farm to Consumer

Check out this excellent article that recently appeared in the Costco Connection on what it takes to ethically and sustainably raise, produce and supply shrimp to retailers. Consumer reporter Laura Bode breaks down the steps, the seafood industry’s strict oversight and Costco’s significant leadership role as one of the founders, with Pokphand Foods, of the Seafood Task Force – an international group of seafood processors, buyers, retailers and related entities who work to ensure that every aspect of the supply chain can be traced and meet approved standards.

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We were proud that our own VP of Quality Assurance, Avito Moniz, was quoted commenting on the coding system that allows suppliers to trace “from farm to bag”. Kudos to Costco for continuing to lead the way to make aquaculture a practice that is ethical and sustainable - supporting the planet and enabling all of us to enjoy this versatile and outstanding seafood in so many delicious ways. Check out the article Here.

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